E-Course: How-To Travel with a Tiny House on Wheels
This is the Ultimate THOW Travel How-To Guide.
Learn the ins and outs of traveling with your tiny house on wheels, whether you are planning a one-time move OR a road trip. Presented by Alexis Stephens and Christian Parsons, co-founders of Tiny House Expedition—owners of the world’s most traveled THOW!
We are sharing our extensive first-hand experience traveling with our tiny home. Our hope is to encourage and empower your own DIY travel experience. With the right preparation you’ll be able to it the road, safely, and have the time of your life.
-Alexis & Christian
What You’ll Learn
Overcome your fear of towing and learn to love the journey.
We have been traveling with our tiny house for over 3.5 years, and over 54,000 miles— our adventures have taught us much about what to do and what not to do. A key takeaway: DIY tiny house travel can be done, safely and enjoyably.
Learn what you need to know before you hit the road.
Our comprehensive online course will cover topics including build planning, towing preparation, driving techniques, tiny house parking, and everything in between. We are here to empower your DIY travel experience with our best tips and sage advice.
Navigate the most challenging obstacles of the road.
Sometimes you don’t know, what you don’t know. The first-hand experience is everything. Learn from our successes and misadventures. We will share the travel obstacles we’ve encountered and most importantly, how we overcame them.