Living Tiny Legally
3 Part Documentary Series
Living Tiny Legally (LTL) explores the potential benefits tiny houses can bring to a community, the legal obstacles and how these are being overcome in a growing number of cities and in model building codes.
This educational documentary series provides an in-depth, inside look into how how policymakers from all over the country, with grassroots supporters, are making legal tiny housing and legal tiny house communities, a reality.
Living Tiny Legally: Part 1
Groundbreaking Progress + Model Zoning
Part 1 provides an in-depth, inside look into how a handful of cities from across over the country are making legal tiny housing and legal tiny house communities, a reality via innovative zoning.
Policy makers share their methods and insights to demystify the planning and zoning process. Advocates provide a better understanding of the tiny house movement and benefits tiny homes could bring your community.
The film showcases the groundbreaking inclusion of movable tiny houses in the Fresno accessory dwelling unit (ADU) ordinance and the positive ripple effects in another Californian city. Also the first-ever planned unit development for both tiny houses on foundation and wheels, approved by Rockledge, FL.
Living Tiny Legally: Part 2
Historic Model Building Code + Local Innovative Progress
Part 2 explores the benefits of tiny housing, examines the need for building standards and how current codes can be updated to be more tiny house friendly. Features an insightful look at how one CTE (career technical educational) program in San Antonio opened the door for permitted, inspected and certified tiny houses. Also shows the behind-the-scenes story of how Walsenburg, CO, became a tiny house friendly town—from zoning to building codes.
The highlight of the film is historic approval of the tiny house appendix for the 2018 International Residential Code, from the important arguments for why this is needed, implications for the future of the movement to the next steps for implementing the appendix locally. **This was the first time in International Code Council history that an outside film crew has been granted permission to film inside the hearing room and to distribute the footage publicly.
Living Tiny Legally: Part 3
**Now In-Production**
What does the future hold for the tiny house movement? Where do legalize efforts go from here?
In Part 3, we will address this questions and showcase the latest groundbreaking regulations and initiatives to create more legal placement of tiny houses, across the US.
Education & Advocacy Tool
The Living Tiny Legally Series is an Valuable Educational Resource for Tiny House Advocates & Policy Makers
Educational Tool
The LTL Docu-Series is an easily shareable educational tool used by local tiny house advocacy groups and governments, across the country and around the world, including:
→ Colorado Office of Economic Development
→Ventura County California Community Devel Dept.
→City of Dallas Housing Committee
Screening Kits
Available for:
Advocacy + Education
Community Screenings
Governmental Presentations
Contact us directly to learn more about Screening Kits.
Featured In
Parade Magazine
Huffington Post
CTV News
Architect Magazine
Building Safety Journal

“Thanks for this! We’re currently looking at micro housing on a city owned lot in Victoria, BC but only with a temporary use permit. I’m inspired by other mayors and councils that have changed ordinances to make tiny homes a right within zoning. Great to see this leadership.”
— Mayor of Victoria, BC, Lisa Helps
A Passion Project

"It is our belief that legal acceptance is necessary to give more people the opportunity to live tiny, safely and without fear of eviction. This is crucial not just for the future of the tiny house movement, but for the future of housing.
The current housing market is sorely lacking in quality, attainable housing options. A better understanding of how to fully legalize tiny housing and the value it can bring a community, helps both advocates and policy makers find a path forward.
We make these films to inspire positive change, empower others into action and amplify the efforts of the many dedicated advocates that we document. It has been incredibly heart-warming to see our work inspire others into action."
-Alexis Stephens & Christian Parsons, Creators of Living Tiny Legally
A Few Things to Ponder...
A growing number of Americans want to live in a tiny house. But few can do so legally.
Tiny house living offers a lifestyle rich with freedom, but tiny house parking options are limited and have an insecure legal status. Most cities don't know how to treat tiny houses or where to put them, and few definitions exist. The main obstacles for legal tiny housing living across the US are zoning and building standards.
Tiny House Legalization Progress!

With Fresno City Councilwomen Esmeralda Soria, Champion of THOW Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance
A growing number of cities from around the country recognized the benefits of tiny housing. These forward-thinking officials are taking on the tiny house challenge by exploring how this unique kind of housing can best fit their communities and meet all their constituents' needs.
This series provides an illustrative resource for those seeking to bring tiny housing to their community but don't know where to start.
Living Tiny Legally demystifies both the local planning & zoning regulation process and building compliance process by providing an inside look into the steps to create new zoning ordinances and building codes. They must work together to create legal housing placement or tiny house parking.
Plus, learn about alternative approaches to tiny house parking and planned tiny house communities across the country. It includes a look at the legal development of micro shelters and tiny house communities for the unhoused.
In The Press

Vice on TV

Parade magazine


Washington Post


CNN Money


Tiny House Big Living

BBC Travel

The Huffington Post

Realtor Magazine

Yahoo Finance



Daily Mail


Time Warner Cable News

News Observer

Reporter Herald


Duluth News Tribune

WXII News 12

Earth Friends


WFDD 88.5 Radio

NY Daily News

Munchies Vice

Tiny House Lifestyle Podcast

Right this Minute