4 Top Tiny House Design Tips

Can you believe that the tiny house industry will grow by over $3.5 billion within the next few years? With the prices of normal homes and the general cost of living on the rise, it's understandable why so many people have considered buying a tiny home. Not only are tiny houses much more affordable, but they can even be portable in some cases.

If you're a minimalist or simple living enthusiast, then coming up with your ideal tiny house design could be one of the most satisfying things you ever do. Your home should meet your needs in a lovely and comfortable way.

Keep reading this article so you can get inspired by four top design tips, brilliantly simple & effective.

The Polaris tiny house storage stairs don't take much more room than a ladder b/c bottom steps tucks away - click to see plans!

Consider Furniture Before Installing Windows

Something that is easy to overlook when designing tiny homes is installing their windows before you know where you'd like to put your furniture. The last thing you'd want is to overly limit your placement options or block the flow of natural light. Start by considering what furniture you'd like. Look for small space-friendly options.

Where does it make the most sense for these to be located for your ease of use and comfort? Then consider window and door placement. What sizes would work best?

Custom windows can maximize layout flexibility. Experts at places like Uswindow-door.com can help you design all kinds of window shapes so you can place them in the most convenient spots in your tiny house.

Consider Stairs and Ladder Pros & Cons

One of the hardest hurdles to overcome while designing a tiny home is maximizing the square footage. You'll need to weigh the pros and cons of stairs and ladders. Stairs take up more space. On the other hand, you can easily create storage space inside of them. Ladders may be more appropriate for extra small spaces. Additionally, using one opens up lots of downstairs layout options and can allow you to have a larger sofa.

Consider Buying Folding Furniture

If you have big ambitions for your tiny home, then you may want to buy furniture that you can fold up when you're not using it. For example, you could install a wall-mounted home office desk that can fold down during your leisure time. You can get a folding dining table to wheels that you can easily move around as needed. Also, a small sofa that folds down or out into a sleeper is great for lounging and guests.

top tiny house design tips

Of course, there are a plethora of multifunctional furniture options to choose from to make the most of your limited square footage. Dual-purpose creative storage solutions make a world of difference in a tiny home! While adjusting your furniture every day can be a pain, go for options that only require 1-2 steps to change function. Overall, it will allow you to get more use out of your small home.

Use Windows, Mirrors, and Light Colors

When it comes to tiny home interior design, the more light you can bring into your tiny house the more spacious and airy it will feel. So the more windows the merrier. Also, mirrors and light colors are your best friends.

Mirrors create the illusion of more space so your environment won't feel cramped. Though, the light they can reflect around your home might be the best part. Light colors can keep your space from feeling too moody and constricting. Dark colors absorb more sunlight too.

Tiny House Design Tips to Consider to Create Your Best Design

It's worth spending lots of time coming up with your tiny house design plan so you can feel free and happy in your new home. By following this advice, you can get the most out of your space.

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Learn the history of the modern movement, get a breakdown of tiny home styles, and meet the passionate tiny community. The Beginner's Guide to Tiny Houses also discusses the pros and cons of micro-living―is a tiny house right for you, right now?

What people are saying:

"Most books about tiny homes are really just about the fantasy, with beautiful pictures in far-off places, but they don't tell you how to get from point A to point B. That's where this book comes in and fills in all the gaps!"

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