Solar Panels Maintenance: 5 Things You Need To Know

People worldwide have started moving away from conventional energy sources and are exploring more sustainable options like solar energy. Although technology is still costly in some parts, most have seen the long-term benefits that outweigh the initial investment.

One of the concerns many have regarding solar energy sources is the maintenance or upkeep of the panels. They are unfamiliar with the technology and don't know how to approach it correctly.

Luckily, anyone has the option to consider asking a professional or continue reading here for the things you need to know about solar panel maintenance:

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1) Regularly Check The Panels For Damages

Although most suppliers build solar panels to last, made from sturdy materials that can withstand a lot, some damage could still occur. Weather elements like snow, hail, tornadoes or hurricanes, and lightning could cause damage to some of the panels.

When the weather is sunnier, inspect the panels for damage and contact a professional to assist with the repairs. Most insurance policies should cover replacement fees if a technician doesn't repair the boards. To learn more about the various services a professional offers, you may check this out.

2) Clean The Panels For Efficient Energy Production

Professional installers recommend that homeowners clean the solar panels on their homes between two and four times a year. Cleaning is only necessary if the panels are dirty, which those on a slant shouldn't be.

If the solar panels are sloped, like on a roof, the rain should wash away most of the dirt and debris that may accumulate over time. When there is still some dust or grime left on the panels, which affects their performance, homeowners can use a soft bristle broom to sweep it away gently to receive the same benefits from their system as before.

2) Warranties Don't Cover Cleaning

Unfortunately, most warranties don't cover the expense of cleaning the solar panels of a home. Some companies would offer the service, but at a cost to the homeowner. Luckily, these services are not often needed unless the panels are close to plants or trees.   

Falling leaves or twigs could obstruct the panels and cause them to become less efficient. If this happens, homeowners would either have to take on the cleaning task themselves or pay for a professional to do it for them.

There are different warranties and some insurance policies that homeowners can look at getting for their homes to safeguard their solar energy systems. Request quotations from various brokers and consider all the options before settling on the best one for the home.  

4) Install A Solar Panel Monitoring System

A great new addition to the solar energy system is an application that can monitor the panels and their output. The app will detect large fluctuations in the production of the solar panels but also when one of them is damaged.

It is a handy application that saves homeowners time and money on maintenance, as they can attend to the issues as they happen. When output drops, it could be because leaves or snow obstruct the panels, which means they need clearing.

A notification fires off to the homeowner as soon as one of the panels becomes inactive or impaired. It is good news for homeowners who can't climb onto the roof to check their panels manually after each weather event.

5) Ensure There Is Adequate Airflow

Solar panels capture energy from the sun, but ironically, they could become less efficient when they overheat. Productivity could drop dramatically if the panels' temperature exceeds 70°F.

The monitoring application could notify the owner that the panels are becoming too hot, indicating that something is obstructing the airflow around them. In many cases, the debris from nearby trees or other vegetation is the culprit, but nesting birds may also cause some problems.   

When the panels are raised to a decent height from the home's roof and the homeowners clear out all the obstructions, they should have enough airflow around them to help them cool to a more acceptable temperature for effectiveness.

The Final Words on Solar Panels Maintenance

Solar energy is so helpful to many people worldwide and is becoming more popular yearly. With many types of installations, sizes, and products available on the market, homeowners can choose the one that suits them best.   

Most solar panel systems are relatively rigid, and homeowners shouldn’t have to give them much thought. Unless they live in an area prone to extreme weather events, a monitoring app will be a must-have.  

Overall, solar panels are easy to maintain, quick to clean, and stay productive for as long as the sun is shining over them. So, why not get some sun and a workout for yourself by doing some dusting a few times a year.

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