Virginia Approves Tiny House Appendix
VA is Set to Adopt IRC Tiny House Appendix Q with Zero Opposition
Just a few years ago tiny house building code discussion was completely shut-down in Virginia. Now it looks like they'll join other states like Massachusetts, California, Idaho, Maine, Oregon, and Georgia to adopt International Residential Code, Appendix Q for Tiny Houses on a statewide level. Also, other states are currently exploring this, like New York and Florida.
Virginia must clear one more round of approvals, but is anticipated to sail through with now issues.
They would follow in California's adoption footsteps: making the Appendix Q apart of state building code, and therefore mandatory throughout the state.
Whereas in the other states noted above, local adoption is still required. As lead advocate Thom Staton points out, across Virginia, "tiny house solutions can be designed for fully site-built, site-assembled (prefab), or factory-based modular homes." Not inclusive of tiny houses on wheels, but that could be explored on the local level.
Unlike the other states, Virginia approved the proposed IRC 2021 Appendix Q changes.
These were developed in collaboration with leaders from the American Tiny House Association (ATHA) and Tiny Home Industry Association (THIA). The Appendix Q changes seek to improve requirements for ceiling heights and landing platforms, both related to sleeping lofts. More to come on this!
"Our proposal for inclusion of Appendix Q for Tiny Homes moves forward with full support of DHCD and all in attendance at today's meeting. This has been a 6 year effort that finally flew right across the finish line... WHEW!!!"
-Thom Staton, VA American Tiny House Association Chapter Leader and Tiny Home Industry Association President
Also to learn more about the Tiny House Appendix and what it means for the tiny house movement, watch:
Living Tiny Legally, Part 2 (beginning at 36:00)