What Happens When You Fall In Love With a Tiny House
Hello Friends!
It’s Alaska, your Tiny House Concierge! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I have an overwhelming compulsion to talk with you today about love. Specifically, the kind of love that happens when you fall in love with a tiny house!
If you have already gone tiny, chances are, some of this will resonate with you! And if you haven’t gone tiny yet, well, buckle up because falling head-over-heels for a very small house is not for the faint of heart! You will experience a deep infatuation that builds to a honeymoon phase. There will be joy, there will be fights, and ultimately, there will be a real and everlasting love.
So what happens when you fall in love with a tiny house...
It's not that different than falling in love with a human
Having fallen wildly in love with a tiny house, I will tell you that it’s not unlike falling in love with a person. The whole thing begins with a fantasy in your imagination. You see pictures of tiny houses and hear stories of how happy tiny housers are. You envision yourself living tiny in a world where nothing bad happens, and most of your time is spent drinking chai tea while reading on your couch that doubles as living room storage. It’s a vision that is both completely true and utterly a lie at the same time. But you don’t know that yet, nor do you care, because love is love, even when it’s wildly idealized.
Then, it happens. You see the house (or discover the building company!) that you can’t take your eyes off of. Suddenly, you find yourself walking on air through a world that resembles a Snapchat filter. This is infatuation, and you are in deep. Trust me, I know.
When I fell in love with my tiny house
The moment I laid eyes on The Tiny House of Peace, I was never the same. It was beautiful, and light-filled, and abundant. There was an assuredness about the craftsmanship, a mindfulness about the chosen appliances, and chiseled design features that left me weak at the knees. Believe me when I tell you, it was perfect.
Perfection can carry one away, and indeed, I instantly fell prey to that thing that happens to love-struck people. You know, that thing where time speeds up, and you find yourself mentally fast-forwarding through a fantasy life that more closely resembles a commercial for laundry detergent than the reality of daily living.
Yes, the infatuation stage can be overwhelming- you’ve been warned- but it’s vital that you don’t let it consume you! Unfortunately, far too many people get love-drunk at this stage and completely forego the due diligence process. Don’t do that! In fact, here is another article to help you not skip that super important step. I know you are head over heels in love, but if you are going to commit to a house (or a person!), it’s worth taking the time to ask a few questions. But anyway, back to love.
Signing the paperwork to buy my tiny house was one of the great moments of my life, and it marked the beginning of my tiny house honeymoon phase.
The honeymoon phase of my tiny journey was wonderful, overwhelming, and emotional- I can only imagine that yours will be similar! For months, I would come home, take one look at my tiny house baby, and collapse into tears on the couch. In fact, even talking about that period is making me tear up now.* I was just so relieved; it was like my life had really and truly begun.
You’ll know it for real when it happens to you, but in the meantime, I’d explain the early days of tiny house living as existing in deafening silence. Overnight, a tiny house had taken a life that was too big, too fast, and too loud and condensed it into something that was manageable, quiet, and included only things I truly loved. It was perfect. You know, for a while.
The ups & downs of a tiny home love affair
Any great love affair has its ups and downs, and the love affair you will have with your tiny house will be no different! When I fight with my tiny house, I refer to it as The Tiny House of Less Peace Than Usual. And you should know that we’ve fought about everything you can possibly imagine.
There was the time consumer habits overwhelmed the space (my fault) and the time the water heater broke (definitely NOT my fault). There was the time someone used too much electricity, and someone else decided to trip the circuit breaker. I insist on a level house, but my tiny insists that it’s happier when tilted two infuriating degrees to the left. You know what, though? It’s true love, and my tiny and I have gotten through it. You and your tiny will too.
The truth is, even with the hard times, I would trade a tiny house lifestyle for anything. I’m no longer infatuated the way I was on day one, but time has added beautiful texture to our love story that wasn’t there before. The love I have for my tiny house runs deeper now because it’s more understood. From this standpoint, I no longer lust over a tiny house’s whimsical nature, but value it deeply as an incredible facilitator of a meaningful life.
And here’s the part when I cry again.** I have no idea what to expect next in this crazy world, but I know I’ll be OK with my tiny house by my side. I’ll be single this Valentine’s Day, but I’m not remotely sad about it. In fact, I have huge plans to eat Thai food, drink cabernet, and watch documentaries on my tiny house’s projector screen. Want to know something cool about the love of your life being a tiny house? You don’t have to share your chocolate.
So there you have it! Tiny house living is a wild and wonderful ride. You will never be the same again, but so what? We get one life; let’s lean in. My life didn’t become perfect when I went tiny, but it did become mine.
So, would I do it again?
In a heartbeat.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Friends.
Until next time,
*You should know that I’m one of those sensitive humans who cries A LOT. Also, I’m writing this from the cafe at my local Barns and Noble, so I’m awkwardly THAT girl right now, but whatever, I will never hide my feelings about my tiny!
**Told you I cry a lot!
Alaska is a writer, realtor, and tiny homeowner living in the great state of Colorado. She is the founder of The Tiny House Concierge, a company that offers consultation and copywriting services for people looking to rethink their housing and rewrite their lives. In addition to her website, she can be found on Instagram and YouTube.