container homes

Innovative Container Homes with Conversion Insights

Converting shipping containers into homes is full of amazing design possibilities and is remarkably sustainable.

Reusing something in surplus for a dwelling that requires less precious resources, like lumber, makes container homes ideal for our climate change reality. That's precisely what appealed to Relevant Buildings, a container house manufacturer in Oregon City, Oregon.

Owner Carl Coffman gave us tours of their cutting edge small container homes, all building code compliant. Each is made with one or more high-cube shipping containers. This includes various configurations and even stacked options, like for an affordable housing condo project. Further, innovative bump-outs create added width inside for a more open, functional living space in many of their models. 

Engineering is key to making this possible for permittable container homes.

container homes

The Ramona, 40' container home with 4' bump-out

Carl explains this well in the above video. He shares a fascinating walk-through of the container conversion process. Over the last three years, Relevant Buildings perfected their manufacturing to ensure a high-quality and even more durable final product.

Why Container Homes

"I will tell people if you want a thousand year product and you build it out of a shipping container, and you put a roof over it that you replace every 40 years, you'll have a thousand year product."

-Carl Coffman, Relevant Buildings owner

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