Thriving Coastal Tiny House Community
A run-down property rezoned & transformed
Welcome to Tiny Tranquility, a thriving coastal tiny house community on the Oregon coast. The owner received a conditional use permit to transform an old nursery property into a beautiful village with year-round parking spots, amenities for days, and adorable rentals. Perhaps the best part for ocean lovers, the beach is across the street!
Insight into legal approval process:
"There had been a commercial use on the property, but technically this area is zoned residential. So I had to go through a process with the Lincoln County planning folks. It's called a conditional use process; it's actually a fairly lengthy process where they can say no.
It was not explicitly zoned for an RV park and certainly not a tiny home RV park. So it was about a 9 to 12-month process to make my case to first the city planners and ultimately culminated in a hearing before the Lincoln county planning commission, which is basically six citizens voting on whether or not they're going to approve your development concept.
And then, after that, it was working with the county on various conditions that they wanted to place on the use of the property. It was a journey. And there were various possible derailers along the way, so it wasn't without some stress. Because at any point, any of those derailers could have really have prevented the project from going forward."
-Josh Palmer, owner/developer of Tiny Tranquility
Inside this Thriving Coastal Tiny House Community
Unlike many other similar villages, Tiny Tranquility features spacious tiny house lots with beautiful landscaping. The hedges and shrubs planted between each make each space feel distinct and separate from the neighboring lot. Sites range in size from approximately 2,400 to 4,000 square feet.
Lot rent is $650-$700 per month plus electricity. Fortunately, this includes access to all community buildings, laundry room (NOT coin-operated!), and on-site recycling. If you need more storage space, units are available for an additional $65 to $150 per month.
It's the amenities that really make this tiny house village shine. Further, you might say it's necessary to survive the rainy winters on the Oregon coast. From solving cabin fever to socializing opportunities, the shared community lounge spaces are where it's at for expanding living space. Including:
- 2,400 square foot lodge with TV room, bathrooms with showers, game room, library, laundry room, fireplace, large tables for crafting, BBQ area, and more
- A second 2-story common area with ocean views with elevator access, lounge, and community kitchen
- Exercise room with commercial-grade fitness equipment!
- Two bonfire pits
- Large greenhouse with a community garden and personal nursery space
- Dog park!
Watch the tour to see more of this wonderful coastal tiny house community!
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Tiny Tranquility Residents' Tiny Homes
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"Most books about tiny homes are really just about the fantasy, with beautiful pictures in far-off places, but they don't tell you how to get from point A to point B. That's where this book comes in and fills in all the gaps!"