Living Tiny Legally: a Milestone and Online Tiny House Advocacy Training

When we began filming our documentary series, Living Tiny Legally, in 2015, only three US cities changed their local land-use laws to allow for full-time living in tiny houses on wheels.

Countless other cities had extremely limiting minimum square footage standards for homes on foundations, as well as barely any pathways forward for accessory dwelling units (ADUs).

By the end of 2016, the International Code Council adopted the IRC Appendix Q, a groundbreaking, yet optional, model building code for tiny houses on a foundation. What's more, on the local level, it's been shown that it can be applied to THOWs, also known as movable tiny houses, too.

As our film, Living Tiny Legally Part 2, recently surpassed 1-million views on YouTube, it occurs to how relevant our documentaries remain.

With all the monumental steps forward for legal acceptance of tiny houses, it's still a very much municipality by municipality process. And in the US, that's around 19,495 incorporated cities, towns, and villages.

But what can be done to speed this up? Short answer: it takes a well-equipped village!

We are so grateful that Living Tiny Legally, Part 2, has hit the 1-million view milestone. Most importantly, we're thrilled that the dedicated work of many tiny house advocates and educators has now been seen by so many.

The progress shown in the film continues to influence policy around the US, as well as other countries like Canada & Australia.

"It is our belief that legal acceptance is necessary to give more people the opportunity to live tiny, safely and without fear of eviction. This is crucial not just for the future of the tiny house movement, but for the future of housing.

The current housing market is sorely lacking in quality, attainable housing options. A better understanding of how to fully legalize tiny housing and the value it can bring a community, helps both advocates and policy makers find a path forward.

We make these films to inspire positive change, empower others into action and amplify the efforts of the many dedicated advocates that we document. It has been incredibly heart-warming to see our work inspire others into action."

-Alexis Stephens & Christian Parsons, Creators of Living Tiny Legally

Since legal tiny house placement remains as one of the most significant challenges within the overall movement, how can you help?

An upcoming online advocacy training aims to provide the tools you need to make an impact in your local community. Learn the best practices for working with your local officials to help get tiny homes legalized in your city or county.

A national advocate, Dan Fitzpatrick, will lead the Legalize Tiny 2-Part Online Advocacy Training. Remember him from Living Tiny Legally, Part 1?

Dan's primary goal is to share how you can work with your local government officials on making changes to land use ordinances and building codes to be tiny home friendly.

For the last five years, he has worked on this very topic.

He is now the Tiny Home Industry Association (THIA) president, as well as the Director of Government Relations for the American Tiny House Association. Working with these organizations, Dan has made numerous presentations to state and local governments throughout the United States.

Further, he wrote and processed the ordinance amendments that legalized movable tiny homes as ADU's in Fresno, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, San Jose, and Santa Clara County in California.

Additionally, Dan worked on state law changes in WA, OR, FL, NH, CA, and ME and continues to consult with local tiny home advocates around the country.

Dan has an extensive background, 45 years' worth of experience, in executive level management, and administrative leadership experience in both the public and private sectors. His government experience spans duties as Assistant City Manager for the City of Las Vegas and in California, as Fresno County's Chief Administrative Officer and Executive Director of Fresno's Redevelopment Agency.

About the 2-Part Legalize Tiny Online Advocacy Training:

The training is available to all THIA members at NO cost. For non-members, by purchasing one $25 ticket, you receive access to both Part 1 and Part 2 of the training webinars, June 24th and July 8th.

Both sessions will be recorded and shared afterward.

Ticket purchases also come with an annual THIA Individual Membership.

Did you know the Tiny Home Industry Association, who is on a mission to advocate to legalize tiny homes as permissible and permanent housing?

The 2-Part Webinar series will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding the governmental approval process
  • Identifying & using information resources
  • How to identify & talk with government leadership
  • Building an effective local coalition
  • Review of specific arguments, graphics, and presentations that have proven successful in promoting tiny homes

Following the main presentation, join Dan for a live Q&A session. He'll be joined by THIA board directors, Lindsay Wood of Experience Tiny Homes and myself.

Digital Magazine Dedicated to Micro, Tiny & Small Home Living

Do you have more time at home? Enjoy some inspirational reading from Tiny House Magazine!

  • Discover different types of tiny houses from liveaboard boats to Alaskan yurts, converted school buses to high wall tents.
  • Try recipes from a tiny house kitchen. Each month we feature a recipe from the Tiny House Foodie. Learn to make it work and still cook like a pro.
  • Hear from those living with kids in a tiny house. What happens when you build for two but end up with four? Can it really be done?
  • Read excerpts from books on tiny houses, downsizing, and a host of other related topics.
  • Each month brings new topics and new, exciting articles!

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