Maker’s Plant-Filled Tiny Home ADU with Studio
Denise Bayron is a multi-talented maker living in a tiny home ADU (accessory dwelling unit) in Oakland, California. She is a knitwear designer and sewing patternmaker with a knack for small space design. By creating zones, Denise organized her layout into distinct areas, maximizing efficiency and aesthetics. Yet her foundation-based tiny house still feels open & airy.
"It's convenient because there's less to clean. I like keeping a clean home. In terms of being a busy designer and a busy maker, if I lived in a larger space that required a lot of maintenance that would be incongruent with my lifestyle."
Inside Denise's Tiny Home ADU
The lush greenery in and outside Denise's tiny home ADU creates a truly vibrant space. Her plants act as decor that also improves the air quality of her small space. Each plant is placed in a white pot that creates a cohesive look as she moves them in and out of the house based on their seasonal needs.
No matter where you stand in Denise's house, you see greenery. And her large windows and glass doors help bring the outside in. At the same time, her shaded patio doubles her living space!
Despite limited square footage, under 300 sqft, Denise built a robust business from her home design studio space. She simply pulls out and folds up her table to create a large workspace. Then, she moves over two wooden stools for seating. These also double as sofa side tables.
Fabric and yarn are cleverly stored throughout the house. For example, Denise utilized an Ikea shelving unit to store many of her knitting supplies in decorative baskets. She turned it on its side to create a pony wall to create a sense of separation from her bed area. Potted plants sitting on top soften the hard edges between the spaces.
See Denise's work on Bayron Handmade, and follow her on Instagram. Also, stay tuned for her upcoming Skillshare course coming out soon!
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