A Guide to Living Big in a Tiny House
How to prepare for living big in a tiny house: where to begin
You've watched countless TV episodes with families who live in tiny homes. Now, you're ready to go tiny yourself!
The tiny home craze has taken the world by storm and caused a huge boom in tiny home construction. A recent study found that American tiny home builders produce about 700 new tiny homes a year!
But what is it like to live in such a tiny space? How can you make a smooth transition? Keep reading for our quick guide to living big in a tiny house.
Start Downsizing Now and Go Slow
The hardest part about going tiny is paring down your belongings. It takes a long time to narrow down the bare necessities. So, start now and keep chipping away at it until you're ready to move. There's no right way to downsize, but the important thing is to stick with it. Your goal should be to get down to the essentials—what you most need and love. For more downsizing tips, read this article.
Getting Moved Into Your Tiny Home
When you've gotten everything pared down, it's time to move into your tiny home! Since you won't have a ton of stuff, you could do the whole move yourself, from getting rid of your final downsized possessions to moving your stuff into your new humble abode.
But, to make things easier, consider hiring a good moving company like Haulin Assets Movers to do the heavy lifting for you (especially for big trips to the thrift store). That way, you'll have all your energy to unpack and decorate!
Get Creative With Storage Spaces
One way to eliminate clutter is to build creative storage solutions, so all your stuff has a designated home. Many tiny house builders, DIY or pro, have learned to hide storage spaces almost everywhere! Why have a basic staircase when you can have built-in storage, like a pantry or closet or both?!
Read this article for tiny house storage ideas.
Watch this tour for impressive space-efficient tiny home storage ideas!
Think Light and Bright When Decorating
The interior of a tiny home is... well... tiny. Be sure to make it feel as big as possible, so you don't feel claustrophobic. Decorate with light airy fabrics, white walls, and bright accent color. Using too many dark colors will make the room look smaller than it is.
We share more tiny home decorating ideas here.
Living Big in a Tiny House With a Family
When you have more than a couple of people in a tiny space, you'll learn to communicate and respect each other's boundaries. Even more important for a family. That's why your tiny house plans include a private space for each member of the family, even if it's a privacy screen at the edge of a loft. And a set of headphones for everyone can a long way in creating privacy bubbles!
Another way to increase your living space is to add a comfortable hang-out spot outside. Make sure to have some kind of cover to protect from the sun and/or rain if you want to use it all the time. Check out this article for more tiny house outdoor living ideas.
Love Grows Bigger in a Tiny Home
When you decide to go tiny, you'll learn to communicate well. The longer your family, whether two or more, lives in the tiny home, the closer you'll become!
Moving homes of any kind is often stressful. Even if everyone in your family is on board with the tiny home life, the transition can cause stress for anyone. Hopefully, these tips help make the tiny transition a little easier or at least a little easier to wrap your head around.
We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you learned about living big in a tiny house. If you're looking for more articles all about tiny living, check out the rest of our blog today!